Most people learn to drive when they are a teenager. The legal driving limit in most states is 16, causing the majority of beginner driving courses to be full of teenagers and young adults. This, however, does not mean that there is not a need for adult driving classes. Adult driving classes can be useful in the following situations.
First time drivers getting a late start
Some people may never have a need to get behind the wheel into they are much older. Perhaps they lived in an area with abundant public transportation or they never had access to their own vehicle. Late first time drivers are also common when a person has lived abroad for many years and is just moving back to the country. Other countries do not rely as much on personal transportation, so it is not as important to obtain a personal driving license at a young age. Adult driving classes are particularly helpful for first time adult drivers because they can learn the rules of the road with other first time driving adults.
Adult drivers who need a refresher
Driving rules and laws are always changing to keep up with changing times. For example, cell phones were not as common a decade ago. There was little need to teach drivers how to avoid distracted driving. Today, however, distracted driving is present in a large percentage of auto accidents. As roads and laws change, so does driving knowledge. Adult driving classes can refresh adults on the changing laws of the road. This can be especially helpful when an adult has a teen enrolled in a driving course. With 25% of 9th graders being in a crash as a passenger in their lifetime, it is important that parents are also aware of safe teen driving practices.
To relearn the rules of the road
Some adults obtained a driving license many years ago but have refrained from using it. This is common when a household has one vehicle or the person has suffered an injury or medical condition that prevented them from driving for many years. Adult driving classes can help drivers relearn the rules of the road, thus also increasing their ability to drive safely. An adult driving course may even be required following a severe injury or medical condition.
To learn driver safety with a teen
Being a parent of a teen driver can be very overwhelming. The fatality rate for drivers age 16 to 19 is four times that of driver’s age 25 to 69 years. Despite strict driving rules and extended teen driving classes, teen accidents can and still do occur. With 56% of teens relying on their parents to learn how to drive, it is important that parents are taking every step possible to teach their teen the safest of driving habits. It can actually be helpful to enroll in an adult driving class with your teen. This way, you can monitor and educate them at the same time.
Most driver education classes are geared for teens. Once a teen passes a driving test, they can hold a driver’s license for life. With minimal adult driving classes, adults are rarely reeducated. Creating adult driving classes can be beneficial in teaching adults of having never driven before, in reeducating adults, preparing adults to work with a new teen driver, and to refresh safe driving habits. Adult driving classes can reduce accidents and can help reiterate the rules of the road.