You must comprehend the distinction between maintenance and repair before deciding where to send your car. Items that need routine maintenance are those that are listed on the vehicle’s owner’s manual’s service schedule for the model. They’re designed to keep your car running at its best. Repairs are a service that is required to address an issue. Depending on what has to be done, you might choose where to take your car.

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You don’t have to go to the dealership where you purchased the car to get scheduled maintenance done. As an alternative to dealerships, you can also take your car to an independent or franchised auto repair shop.

If you have a Volvo, then you must be careful and try to find good Volvo car repair shops. Having one in mind may not be enough. It is always good to have alternatives in mind. Volvo is known to be an expensive brand, and its parts need to be taken care of. Looking for a particular mechanic or machine shop that specializes in your car’s brand would help a lot. Know more about this topic by watching this informative video.
