Finding a local family orientated car dealer made all of the difference when you made your last automobile purchase. Instead of having to listen to a bug sales pitch for a car that was totally out of your price range, the family orientated car dealer that you worked with respected your budget and took the time to show you the best cars that you could afford. Knowing that the used car that you were looking for was for the newest driver in your house, the dealer showed you the models that were the safest and that were some of the most affordable to insure. You appreciated his honesty, and you will likely return to this dealer, whether you find yourself looking for new cars or used cars in the future.
Knowing that you are working with a dealer who is respectable and will listen to the requirements that you have can help you find the car that meets all of your needs: your budget, your model type, and the size you are looking at.
Whether you are looking for a new sport utility vehicle or you are looking for a used car for the newest driver in your family, it is important to make sure that you go to the right dealer. Consider some of these facts and figures about the new and used car industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- Three is the average number of owners a car in America has.
- While 35% of American households have three or more, the average family owns two cars.
- 88% of Americans reported that they owned a car in the year 2014.
- 57% of parents involve their children in car-buying decisions, according to a survey by The Family Room.
- 45% of parents said that they were most likely to have a conversation with their children about their day while driving in the car, according to a 2016 CarGurus survey. In fact, a family car is often the site of as many conversations as the family kitchen.
If you are looking for a car this winter, it is better to start sooner rather than later so that you can find the car or truck that you need.