Getting involved in a car accident is always a terrible experience. It can take a while for you or the passengers to recover from related trauma and shock. If an accident involves an American custom car, handling the case can take a big toll on you. It is important to learn what to do immediately after an accident. Custom cars are classics, and accidents can prove costly. This guide explains what to do directly afterward.
Get Yourself and the Car out of Danger
It is important to get to safety after an accident. This is dependent on the damage extent or injuries you sustained. If the accident was minor, drive your car carefully to the side of the road as you wait for help. You don’t want to impede traffic and more reason to get yourself and your car out of danger. It is possible to avoid more damage to your American custom car by keeping the hazard lights on while moving it to the side of the road. If the crash is severe and you sustained serious injuries, it is advisable to leave the car at the scene and seek medical attention. Also, contact your automobile insurance providers for further guidance after getting yourself and the car out of danger.
Unlike other cars, a custom car calls for the owner to take specific measures after an accident. Besides contacting the insurance provider, find ways to handle the repair needs, even the minor ones. Look for an auto parts store in your area and determine how much it will cost you to fix the damage. The insurance provider will only come in after understanding the prices for the parts needed to fix the auto damage. After getting to safety and checking the damage, gather information about the car parts and ways to fund the repairs.

Contact the Police
Calling the police and reporting the accident, even for minor damage, is important. Unless you are responsible for wrecking your American custom car, contact and report the accident to the police, they will try to determine the cause of the accident and help wherever possible. You also avoid getting yourself into trouble if the accident involves multiple parties. The police also tag along with paramedics that help address any injuries or medical needs at the accident scene. They help you get in touch with your family members or insurance if the accident is severe.
You need the police to give out statements and accounts of the accident in case you are filing for a car accident claim. The police report is crucial in your fight for justice and compensation. From the police report, you can also determine the auto repair service your car needs. You get help from your insurance provider based on the reports provided by the police. The investigation done by the police is crucial in helping you determine the next steps after a car accident.
Document the Accident Scene
After wrecking an American custom car, collecting information that might help in your lawsuit or dealing with the insurance provider is crucial. Unless you document the accident scene and gather as much information as possible, meeting your expectations as the car owner can be hard. Documenting the accident scene involves different steps. You can document the accident scene by recording witness statements, taking pictures of the damage, or video recording the wreck. To some extent, the police and your lawyer will use the information you gather to determine the cause of the accident and what to do next. Ensure you document the accident scene immediately to increase success chances.
Also, document your car’s model, color, and license number for the insurance provider. This will help in reporting the accident and meeting your expectations. After documenting the accident scene, contact the police and your auto accident attorney. If it is a legal matter, you will need a lawyer, the police, and the investigative agencies working together to determine the cause of the wreck. Save a copy of the documentation to avoid evidence manipulation and loss. Ensure you provide the documented files upon the request of the court. By documenting the accident scene, you find it easy to handle the related needs, including seeking repair services from a reputable mechanic.

Contact Your Insurance Company
As an American custom car owner, wrecking your vehicle is the last thing you want. Your insurance provider is among the parties you must contact when this happens. Before falling into the temptation of negotiating cash deals with the party responsible, contact your insurance company. Understand that failing to contact your insurance provider increases the chances of bearing liability for the damages. It is hard to get help from the insurance company if they get notified later after an accident. Ensure you have proof of the accident before reaching out to your insurance provider.
The insurance provider does more than cover and protects your custom car after an accident. They come through for you during repair and maintenance needs. They also work with your lawyer to ensure you get compensated the right amount for the damages. A car insurance provider makes it easy to restore your custom car to its original status effortlessly. You find it easy to concentrate on your claim as the insurance company has experts who can help determine where the fault in the accident lies. Seek the services of a reputable auto insurance company to increase success chances. They understand the steps to follow and help you avoid mistakes that might compromise your efforts to restore the classic car or get compensated.
Reach out to Your Mechanic
After wrecking your custom car, you want to get the repair and maintenance services as fast as possible. While the insurance provider will guide you to their panel beaters to determine and minimize the damage, seeking effective repair services is crucial. An auto body mechanic is the professional you need to handle your car’s needs. Contacting the mechanic is one thing you should do directly after an accident. Besides the mechanical expertise, they guide you on the best steps to handling the repair needs of a custom car. They know the different models of classic cars and ways to get the best repair services in your area.
A mechanic also knows the different parts of the car and how to access them without spending much on the process. After an accident, ensure you contact your mechanic and explain the damage and repair needs. The best mechanic will help you come up with quotes for the damage, making it easy to deal with the party responsible or your insurance provider. They also guide you on the best car parts for repairing the damage. Unlike other models, an American custom car has specific parts you must get to improve its functionality. Auto mechanics have the knowledge of choosing and using the right car parts.

Tow the Car out of the Scene
If you can drive the car outside the scene, it will save you money in the long run. The case is different when the wreck and damage are severe. Looking for a tow service to get your car out of the accident scene and into safety is important. You avoid further costly damage by towing your car out of the accident scene. The tow service has the tools and equipment to keep your car safe while dealing with related needs. Whether taking your car to your home or the police station, you handle the process effectively and increase success chances.
With the different variables in an American custom car, employing the services of a tow company proves beneficial. You save time and money and find it easy to handle your accident case when the tow company handles your needs. They use techniques and call on experienced service providers to ensure your car retains its status, especially with minor damage. Seek referrals to find a reputable tow service in your areas and meet your expectations. Be keen on the equipment and charges employed by the tow serve before considering it an option.
Exchange Information With the Insurer or Police
After documenting the wreck and recording the witness statements, ensure you share and exchange the information with the relevant authority. Besides the auto accident attorney, they exchange information with the police and other investigative agencies. Sharing and exchanging information increases the chances of handling the case effortlessly. You also avoid complicating your case by withholding information that could help in your case. The lawyer you hire will find it easy to represent you and provide proper legal guidance when they have information that suits the case.
After wrecking your American custom car, exchanging information can help address different issues and meet your expectations fast. The more information your lawyer, insurance provider, or the police have, the easier it is to handle an accident case. You also need to exchange the information with your mechanic to understand ways to handle the repair and maintenance needs after an accident. The insurance provider and your lawyer can also use the information to negotiate better compensation terms. You effortlessly handle the settlement claims and get the best deal when you provide and share helpful information with the lawyer, insurance provider, and the police.

Report the Accident
Unless you are responsible for wrecking your American custom car, reporting the accident should be the next step after seeking medical attention. After determining the cause of the accident and contacting your insurance provider, reporting the accident and filing a lawsuit should be an option. By reporting an accident, you find it easy to navigate the legal system and seek justice. It is helpful to involve your lawyer after filing the car accident report. They know the steps that will increase your success chances without spending much or straining. They also provide guidance and ensure you avoid common mistakes that might compromise your case.
It is the expectation of everyone, including the insurance provider, that you will report the accident. Seek legal guidance in case you are not unable to report the accident. By reporting the accident, you get legal guidance and find ways to handle your car’s repair and maintenance needs. The lawyer works with an auto body collision repair specialist to help you care for your custom car. You get proper repair and mechanical services that help improve your car’s functionality after reporting the accident and seeking legal guidance. Ensure you stick to the statute of limitations in the said state when reporting the accident to keep your case viable. Your attorney should provide more guidance and help you understand the relevance of sticking to the statute of limitations.
Seek Medical Attention
While the focus is on the wrecked American custom car, you need proper medical attention after the accident. Seeking medical attention should be one of the things you do immediately. Before contacting your lawyer or the insurance company, receive proper medical attention first. After receiving treatment and addressing your injuries, it will be easier to think of ways to handle the accident. If you call the police, ensure they come with paramedics to help you. If the police or paramedics are far away, look for the nearest medical center to get proper medical attention.
The first aid you get is helpful as you address the pain and find it easy to think and make proper decisions. After getting proper medical attention, you can check on the wrecked damage and see if repairs can help salvage the damage. You can also think of alternatives, including selling the junk car for cash. Even as you handle the lawsuit, selling your custom car for cash instead to keeping the junk in your garage should be an option. After seeking medical attention and assessing your car’s damage, contact the nearest car junkyard and determine the amount you can get from the car. This is also one way to relieve the repair and maintenance costs, especially after a wreck.
Wrecking your American custom car can be an overwhelming experience. The class and status that come with the vehicle are what make it special. While you can never predict or prevent an accident, you can do many things directly afterward. How you handle everything that happens afterward is paramount. The above guide explains what to do after wrecking your car, including the legal measures to take to meet your expectations.