Not all auto insurance is the same. Deciding which insurance plan is right for your auto insurance needs requires you to thoroughly compare your options. Understanding the pros and cons of different insurance policies will help you to make an informed decision. This video presented by Susquehanna Insurance shares three pros that Erie auto insurance provides that you may have trouble finding with other insurance plans.
The first pro that Erie has to offer is the capability to add roadside and rental reimbursement to your auto policy plan. This coverage can come in handy.
If you get stuck on the side of the road you won’t have to pay for towing. If your car needs to sit in the shop to make repairs or due to an accident, your insurance will cover the cost of a rental vehicle. The next pro is the option for a rate lock feature. You can opt to lock in your rate so you do not have to worry about rate increases over the life of your policy.
The final pro that is talked about in the video is the amazing discounts that the Erie plans have to offer. Learn more about Erie auto insurance by watching this video now.