If you are looking for a good used car then you may want to check out some of the car auctions. You can normally pick up a good used car for a cheap price at GSA Auctions, which are government sponsored and hosted by the GSA Fleet Vehicle Sales a division of the Government auction services.
To participate in a GSA auction you need to register first of all. You also need to know that there are different types of car auctions, there are insurance auto auctions and then there is a Smartauction also. You can also buy a good used car at a Manheim, Openlane or Ove auction if you are willing to look around. For a GSA auction you need to register before you can come and bid on the car you want.
After you register it is time to inspect the cars and get an idea of just what type of car you want and the money you are willing to spend. If you have a budget stick to it, you will be glad you did. Make sure you give yourself a few hours to inspect the cars that are offered; this is a process you do not want to rush.
Be prepared by getting the auction catalog that GSA auctions give out the day of the auction. Read through the catalog and then bid on the car that you want. You have to be quick when bidding as most cars are bid on and gone in under a minute. If you win the bid you place you must go straight to the Gsa auctions table and sign their contract.