Self storage units have become almost a necessity to the public, especially for people who do not have a basement, attic, or garage in which to store items that are not used often. These units are affordable and very convenient for safely storing personal items, and even vehicles, in order to keep them out of inclement weather and away from anything that could cause them any damage. Self storage units are secure and private, and provide for the customer their own private space so they know their belongings are safe.
There are many different types of storage units, depending upon what items the customer wants to store. Along with storage units in which to store seasonal items, furniture, and other personal belongings, much larger self storage units are available specifically for things like vehicle storage. For instance, customers can find units constructed for winter car storage, collector car storage, rv storage, and long term car storage. These units are quite a bit larger than the typical self storage unit in that many vehicles need space that is not only wider, but taller as well. Storage units for recreational vehicles will typically provide wider aisles between units or stalls that are a good 40 feet wide to allow for the turning, backing up, and parking of an rv. Ceilings have to be much taller to accommodate the height of the vehicle, as well as taller entrances to the unit. The use of a storage unit for a vehicle that is only used seasonally not only provides that extra element of protection, but also keeps the customer’s garage or driveway free and clear for other year round vehicles and uses. An RV takes up a lot of space, and, because it is not something generally used year round, a self storage unit is a safe, secure choice for packing it away until vacation time.
It is recommended that, when shopping for self storage units, customers look around and find professional units that are clean and dry. Before placing personal belongings inside a locked facility, it is best to know that these treasures will be protected from heat, cold, and humidity, and that the unit is constructed well. The storage facility chosen should allow their customers to be able to access their self storage units seven days a week, as well as during off hours. Many of these facilities are reachable 24 hours a day, and always have someone available during those off hours to address any concerns or problems. Security is a leading concern to owners and managers of storage facilities, and customers will find that this is strictly enforced. There is 24 hour surveillance in operation from one end of the property to the other. Security cameras and security fences are two valuable ways that proprietors keep an eye on every inch of the premises.
Vehicles such as boats and motorcycles can also be placed in self storage units during the off season. Accommodations are made at many storage facilities for these novelty items, and there are many locations to choose from in most towns and cities. Every precaution is taken by those who run professional storage facilities to keep their customer’s personal effects safe from any type of harm. Personal belongings are important, sometimes priceless, in their owner’s eyes, which is why they are safely under lock and key. Security is of utmost importance, which is why self storage units are so carefully protected.
With approximately 52,500 self storage units in the United States, there are plenty to choose from for people with personal items to store. Most facilities provide aisles wide enough to drive through so that customers can unload their items right from their car or truck into the unit itself. This eliminates long walks from a parking lot, carrying bulky or heavy paraphernalia, and is very much appreciated by customers!
Because self storage units have become such an essential commodity over recent years, there are more and more storage facilities being built all the time. In the United States alone, there is right now approximately 2.3 billion square feet of empty storage space waiting to be utilized.