If you’re familiar with motorcycles, you definitely know what Kawasaki vehicles are. The brand has been around for quite some time. In this video, you will learn about a new vehicle that is in development.
It is called the Kawasaki SPICE. While it certainly isn’t what you’re accustomed to seeing from Kawasaki, it certainly is fascinating.
The Kawasaki SPICE is an autonomous underwater vehicle. “SPICE” stands for Subsea Precise Inspector with Close Eyes. It will primarily be used for the inspection of underwater oil and natural gas pipelines. There is a portable docking station, as well as a robotic arm for precise inspections. The robot arm has measurement capabilities as well. The vehicle can go as deep as 3000 meters underwater.
The machine uses programmed algorithms to find the underwater pipelines that need to be inspected. There is a camera for visual inspection as well as radar and sonar technology for other types of inspections. .