How does having car care services at your home sound? It’s incredible. Well, that’s an example of the magic that a mobile mechanic bodywork does. Your vehicle periodically needs good car care, and most times, family, work, and other essential commitments may not allow you to take your car to your nearest mechanic shop. However, ignoring a car check-up jeopardizes your family’s safety.
According to the US Department of Transportation, about 2% of vehicle accidents in the US are due to a car’s component failure. Remember, over 5.2 million collisions occur annually, per Forbes. Therefore, you can’t underestimate vehicle accidents due to component failure.
Mobile mechanics make car maintenance and repair a breeze by offering solutions at your doorstep. Here is everything you should know about mobile mechanic bodywork and why it’s beneficial for your car. Let’s start!
1. Dent and Scrape Removal

Minor car damage, such as dents and scrapes, is common. So, the million-dollar question is, are these minor damages worth taking your vehicle to auto repair garages? Although you may have no problem driving around with a few dents and scratches, repairing them sooner is advisable.
According to The Healthy Journal, scratches and dents can decrease the value of your vehicle by 5 -15%. You don’t want your car’s value to diminish massively, especially if you must re-sell it. But how can you fix such minor repairs quickly?
Understandably, you may not have time to take your automobile to an auto shop. You probably have a lot on your schedule. If you’re trying to liquidate your vehicle quickly, call a mobile mechanic to help you with dent and scrap removal.
A mobile mechanic comes to you instead of going to an auto repair shop. Sounds interesting? It is. For this reason, mobile mechanic bodywork services save you time, allowing you to focus on other essential activities.
You may wonder whether you’d get the same level of service with a mobile dent removal service. The answer is a resounding yes. A professional mechanic guarantees a top-notch job. Additionally, you can always request a retake whenever you’re unsatisfied with the job.
2. New or Spare Parts
If you intend to sell your vehicle, any auto sale professional will tell you that you’ll need to do a few car care services, such as basic maintenance, engine tune-up, and replacing the tires to fetch a reasonable price. The good news is that you don’t have to visit an auto shop for such services. A mobile mechanic’s bodywork does the job just right. Below are other vital car components that mobile mechanic body work entails.
Oil Change
While oil isn’t a component, a basic oil change is an essential car care service for your vehicle and keeps your engine operating smoothly. Neglecting it is a recipe for a major car component malfunction that may require some significant parts replacement. Before listing your vehicle on the market, ensure that a mobile mechanic checks your oil first.
Your vehicle tires can affect the car’s stopping ability, steering, and suspension. When worn out, your car will have less grip. This increases the chances of sliding, causing accidents, especially on wet winter roads or when it rains. Also, when your tires wear, your braking distance significantly decreases, endangering yourself and other drivers.
Park Plugs
Although spark plugs may look small, they have an essential job. Typically, spark plugs ignite the engine cylinders’ air/fuel mixture compression. This process powers the engine to propel the vehicle forward. For this reason, you should get a mobile mechanic to check spark plugs, and when worn out, you should replace them immediately.
Motor and Alternator
The starter motor and alternator are major vehicle components that require a mobile mechanic technician. The battery powers the starter motor, which turns over your car’s engine when you press the start button or turn on the key. However, a starter can cease working abruptly. Typically, your vehicle will give you warnings, such as struggling to start or making a grinding or screeching noise. In such a scenario, during a mobile mechanic bodywork, you should get a starter diagnosis or replacement for ease of vehicle operation.
3. Restoration for a Totaled Vehicle

Your car is totaled. What’s next? Your best alternative is to contact a mobile mechanic body worker to help you out. Chances are they’ll recommend tow truck services to help take your vehicle to the auto body shop for more analysis, as it may be impossible to do heavy vehicle repairs on-site.
A mobile technician will start by carefully dismantling the damaged areas on-site or in the auto body shop. Specifically, the professionals remove the battery during the initial stages. If the battery still has a charge, it can short, burning the entire wiring system and, even worse, setting the car on fire.
The second step will be carefully draining fluids. When the radiator isn’t affected, the mobile mechanic will drain the anti-freeze, reserving as much as possible. The fluid is stored in a container and sealed to keep dirt and debris at bay. Anti-freeze is a poisonous liquid that can kill animals when they come into contact.
The little hoses that run through the radiator are the transmission cooling lines. Typically, they leak the transmission fluid when the mechanic disconnects them. Therefore, mechanics temporarily plug a fitting dowel to prevent the liquid from leaking.
a competent mobile mechanic can save vehicle components while restoring a totaled vehicle. Salvaging the non-damaged essential vehicle parts saves you some money, as you may not need to buy new ones. Instead, you can use the old ones. And you don’t have to move a muscle – the mechanics come to your home.
4. Future Protection
You’ll need to care for your vehicle by protecting it from the elements and theft. Proper car care ensures that your vehicle resale value stays up and maintains your car’s aesthetics. You don’t have to visit an auto shop to install your car’s protective features. A proper mobile body mechanic bodywork is a suitable investment for your vehicle.
The mobile auto experts go the extra mile and offer customizable auto wrapping service to suit your taste. Wraps help protect your paint by adding an extra layer of protection against dings, small chips, and damage due to extended sun exposure. Protecting your vehicle’s underlying paint will help maintain your vehicle’s resale value and save you money from minor paint job repairs.
Besides protecting a vehicle from elements, many business owners wrap their vehicles for marketing purposes. Since all wraps can be tailor-made to fit your preferences, you can now include any color, pattern, or image rather than opting for custom paint jobs. You can also use these wraps to add aesthetic beauty to your vehicle.
You should also protect your vehicle against theft. Typically, a thief steals things in your car that are visible to them. Put differently; you are more likely to be robbed if you have possessions visible through the windows. Therefore, you should get an auto window tinting job that helps protect your valuables inside your car. Additionally, tinting your car windows will keep your expensive car interiors safe from harmful sun rays, which may potentially wear out leather stitching or fade any plastic interior finishes.
5. Weather Protection

Severe weather can occur without warning. From tornadoes, windstorms, hurricanes, hail, or floods, the elements can strike anytime and potentially damage your car. While it’s impossible to control mother nature, you can protect your vehicle from nature’s wrath.
It’s all about ample preparation. You no longer have to visit an auto repair shop to fix weather-related damage. With the option of mobile mechanic bodywork, a technician is just a call away for repairs such as auto hail repair, sun rays, or flood damage repairs.
Heavy rainfall can seriously harm your vehicle. It destroys the paint, leading to warping. The rain is a much bigger problem if there are leaks in your car. For this reason, you’ll need to protect your car from possible water leakage into your vehicle. A mobile mechanic will seal up any openings in your vehicle and ensure that all the windows and sunroof are tightly closed, and the door rubber linings are in good condition.
During cold weather, you’ll need to ensure that your car’s tire pressure is at optimum levels. Typically, the pressure will drop during cold weather. When the temperatures drop below zero, or there’s a possibility of a blizzard, it’s essential to get the mobile mechanic to check the tire pressure.
If you’re expecting a storm, park your car in a safe space, preferably in a garage. The aim is to protect your car from damage caused by hail, high winds, or rain. If your vehicle is uncovered, you can park it against the side of your house to protect it from falling debris, such as branches and power lines, during a storm.
Ideally, you should keep track of the weather conditions before setting out to protect your family and vehicle. The best way to do this is by keeping close tabs on the local weather news. The National Weather Service provides timely updates on storms and evacuation protocols.
6. Insurance Work
A mobile mechanic bodywork technician doesn’t only save you the hassle of taking your vehicle to auto body shops. They go beyond that and handle insurance processes for you. Let’s assume that you are involved in an accident.
Typically, your insurance company may send an adjuster to confirm the damages caused by the accident and investigate the losses. However, some insurance companies will require you to get estimates of the damage yourself. When filing a claim with your insurer, you’ll need to provide them with essential information about the accident. Some data may include photos of vehicle damage, a copy of the accident report, time of day, location, and weather conditions.
In some cases, you might be unable to provide accurate information related to damage, such as taking pictures that can accurately show damage. Luckily, a mobile mechanic can help you get that vital information. If you’re dealing with commercial auto insurance coverage, a mobile mechanic can help review the estimate from your auto insurance broker or company and come up with accurate costs.
While other mechanics can provide the same services, mobile mechanics could be cheaper. You see, a car expert who operates from a brick-and-mortar shop doesn’t factor in the cost of moving outside their workstation. If you hire them to come and help assess the damage at the place of the accident, their charges might be relatively high. They have to leave the shop to attend to your specific problem.
On the other hand, mobile mechanic body work entails moving. They don’t inflate the cost for the sole reason of offering services outside their workstation. In addition, they offer convenient and speedy services, which are vital when dealing with insurance matters.
A mobile mechanic bodywork is a worthy investment for your vehicle, especially if you don’t have ample time to take your vehicle to an auto body shop. Mobile mechanics bring auto repair services to you. As a result, you’ll have more time to handle other essential activities, such as spending time with your family or attending a business meeting.
The mechanics provide similar services you’d get in an auto body shop at the convenience of your home. These services may include simple mechanical tasks such as hail dent removal and complex bodywork such as restoring a totaled vehicle. Don’t stress about going to the auto shop again. Allow the professional to serve you at your convenience – you are the boss, aren’t you?